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To be continued…

Brazil is the better place to financial institutions, because people don’t save money, for two reasons: first, because of the low purchasing power, and second, because of the habit of choose financing to buy.

Every year there are million on financing operations, what means that every Brazilian has a parcel computed in the living costs monthly, but this is just the top of the iceberg.

The point is there are innumerous types of investment, challenges to be made, on structure and development of technologies. For example, the country does not have a railroad system till nowadays. Brazil has been an island, some way apart from the global economy, but it’s not quite simple to understand. The country, no matter having one of the largest agricultural productions, natural reserves, including oil, good and clean water, inestimable biodiversity, is still inert because the state concentrates the monopoly of the principal and necessary sectors to permits development.

There is no way to progress if the state concentrates the monopoly of telecommunications, mineral exploration, railroads, navigation, ports, airports, transports in general, so this thing makes every investment susceptible to the congressman. Only partners and familiars of politician gain the authorization to exploit the monopolized activities. This way, if you want to invest in Brazil, become obligated to pay bribe to have your “project approved”.

The high-level taxation in Brazil and a non-trusted judiciary contribute to turn away investors. The tax paid becomes personal funds of the politicians and, when investigated, the Supreme Court takes to itself the charge to declare they are innocent.

In the first paragraph, it was told that Brazil is the better place to financial institutions, and it is true, but not for a lot of time, because there is a need, a natural claim to every economy, the need to be freed. There will be no hope to investor, neither to development if it still being in cloistered.

Let’s take the example of a railroad, one need to the development, which demand a contractor, financed by financial institutions, ensured by companies and its investors, with bonds sold in the stock market, with payments to suppliers and employees. This simple example demonstrates a gain to all the people, no matter what they do.

Corruption demands a very expensive tax charge, to cover the debts of the government, because the revenue is not used to the original purposes, but unfortunately this thing elevates the banks interest rate, taking the country to the stagnation.

It is easy to think that the solution to Brazil’s economy is just seek and destroy the politicians, but the situation is not too simple as it seems.

The government is made of politicians financed by several institutions whose are not interested in changes, because they are parasites of the society. Brazil could be great if it didn’t occur, but is purposeful, it means, the system was created to maintain the country into slavery, favoring the true owners.

Let the country grows can made people free, so there is more interesting keep the people believing in a better future, when some kind of justice will destroy the enemies of the good will, and all the evil will be extinct.

Justice is a utopia, and there is no freedom or free will, so the people is just surviving as the same time the parasites are living in paradise. It is not a matter of know this thing or not, because if you are ignorant is better. It is ease believe that is because of the bad congressman we are in this situation, but it is not and there is no way out.

People must gain less than they need to survive, because this way the monetary system gains more credibility and stay more valuable. The capital needs poverty, because turn the world more poor, makes the rich people more rich.


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