Brazilian Supreme Court decided to exclude the ICMS (Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services) of the base to calculate the Contributions for the PIS (Tax for the Social Integration Program) and COFINS (Social Financing Contribution).
month the Brazilian Supreme Court decided to exclude the ICMS (Tax on the
Circulation of Goods and Services) of the base to calculate the Contributions
for the PIS (Tax for the Social Integration Program) and COFINS (Social
Financing Contribution).
The system to charge these contributions was this way:
The system to charge these contributions was this way:
first impression about this judgement is the fact it is minoring the federal
taxation, but if you take yourself to a next level, doing a little deep looking
in the actual political scene in Brazil, the thing get some more complicated.
It is not about the Supreme Court’s decision, in accordance with the Brazilian
Federal Constitution, but total disrespect with the public finance.
point is that, the government, is trying to change constitutional rights of
retirement, forcing the people to work over uninterrupted 35 years. More than
this, government takes the argument that the cost of retirement payments is an
impossible expense to be paid by the INSS (National Institute of Social
Security – or less it was to be). This is a thing to be considered, because
every worker has the contributions to the social security sliced of their
payments every month, also the employers. In Brazil, the people pay the
employed personal quote and the employer corporate quote – corporates also
contribute, and if it doesn’t, the owner can be imprisoned.
fact is everybody, no matter if you are a singular person or a corporate, shall
pay all the 04 contributions to social security system. Is it fair? Brazilian
people think “no, it is not fair”, but nobody has the power to go against the
Brazilian Supreme Court, and it is because of this, we will now link these
Ministers of the Supreme Court in Brazil are indicated, not by the people, but
by the President, with the support of the Congress. What? Exactly! So, if you
want to reduce the tax charges, because they are being used totally in dispatch
with the Federal Constitution, the “pretorium excelsum” always say “no, your
claim must not be provided, government is right”. Foreigners could say “wait a
moment, in this case, the Supreme Court did the opposite”. Yes, in this case
the Constitution was granted, but only because the government still have the
power to elevate this or other taxes.
a new tax is created, the government uses to stablish large aliquots, but
minors it by using a decree. When is convenient, it goes and re-stablish the
aliquots. This mechanism grant that the tax can be freely used to increase the
federal incoming. In fact, the Supreme Court gave something that can be took anytime
by the government, because we are talking about money, and like Cesar said
“pecunia non olet”. No matter from where the money is coming, the Brazilian
government will always get all that it wants.
Supreme Court gave Brazilians two relevant reductions on the tax charge, the
“dismiss of the payroll” and the “exclusion of the ICMS from the base of
PIS/COFINS”. But nowadays, Brazilian people are paying the cost, because the
government is trying to eliminate the retirements, BUT WITHOUT eliminating the
obligation to contribute for the Social Security System.
but true, the government in Brazil is not by the people, not for the people and
not to the people. The role thing gets worst, when you start thinking about the
places where the role money goes. Well, if everybody is paying, why the
security system does not have enough provisions to honor its obligations?
answer is DRU! True, believe me, the answer is DRU, abbreviation of “Desvinculação
de Receitas da União” (Federal Revenues Unlink). Allowed by this legal
permission, the Brazilian government can catch any amount of money from the
Social Security System, and use as it wishes! As well as it gets! Don’t need to
be a genius to conclude that Brazilians Security Systems money is being used to
health programs, education, security, and other benefits to the population. Is
It not? Oh, my God! Maybe not? It is possible that we have a lot problems with
corruption in Brazil, but I don’t think so… The deputies and senators, men of
the people, never could do this thing…
someone may say Brazilians don’t work as well, but let us tell you something.
Let’s check the facts, and applicate some basic mathematical concepts, ok?
of Brazilian people, must work 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, to own 300
dollars for the entire month. The government takes about 30 dollars, so the guy
only has 270 dollars to survive until the next payment. And he must work 35
years, so could claim for retirement. It means in Brazil the people work
nothing less of 35 years, being paid with less than US $ 1.80/hour.
is a great country, but is like a sheep farm managed by nasty wolves! Maybe
someone should write about this metaphor… Hey! Someone did! Well, let me talk
only about the Brazilian Federal Republic.
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