Before talking about taxation in Brazil, we must recognize the fact that Brazilian tax system is illogical and retrograde. It was made to sustain the luxury of corrupt politicians, and has been changed only to adjust the government revenues to guarantee the permanence of “status quo”. This simple fact made Brazil’s taxation an unfair and complex system, with taxes being burden by other taxes, double taxation to the same event, and more than one tax with the same purpose. Only to have an idea about what is being demonstrate, for example, in Brazil we have 04 (four) taxes to support the government social security system, and they affect the production in chain. Really shameful! In despite of the bad administration, Brazil is a very accessible country and are a lot of good investment to be made, especially on the agricultural and health areas. Brazil is one of the most spectacular places to develop researches, because of its diversity. It is important to warn; these things ext...
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